The 2014 Tournament was a great success as we raised over $3,000 for the Memorial Fund.
The weather was perfect, unlike the torrential rains of 2013.
We would like to thank Steve Smith for coordinating this event once again along with
the assistance of Carol Dwyer and Robert Miller. We again would like to thank our cooks, Manny and Mike who labor over
the grill from beginning to end and Jack Smith for all of his work behind the tables.
We would like to thank all the team members who participated in this year's event.
Without your involvement the tournament would not exist. I am sure Kim is proud of her many brothers and sisters
who take the time out of their schedules to support this event.
We would also like to thank our sponsors:
Cayer Caccia LLP, Accounting Firm
J&M Hobbies
Ocean State Baptist Church.